Tectonic Design specializes in architectural design services that reflect our clients needs, desires and reflects their personalities. Our projects are a tailor fit and our process includes gaining a deep understanding of whom our clients are and their ambitions and needs for their project.
Tectonic Design engages in sustainable design in each and every project as it is a matter of our core operational guidelines. We seek to integrate sustainable ideas, materials, and concepts into each project. This reflects our deepest belief in Creation Care and sustainable design. We are licences to provide full architectural services in the following states:
Michigan - Ohio - North Carolina - Florida - Utah
Licences for other states can be obtained within 30 days
Our California office currently can only provide residential design services for:
Single-family dwellings of woodframe construction that are not more than two stories and basement in height;
Multiple dwellings containing not more than four dwelling units that are of woodframe construction not more than two stories and basement in height, and not more than four dwelling units per lot;
Garages or other structures added to dwellings of woodframe construction that are not more than two stories and basement in height;
Agricultural and ranch buildings of woodframe construction, unless the building official deems that an undue risk to the public health, safety, or welfare is involved; and
Nonstructural or nonseismic storefronts, interior alterations or additions, fixtures, cabinetwork, furniture, or other appliances or equipment, including nonstructural or nonseismic work necessary to provide for their installation.
No commercial Architectural Design Services can be provided at this time.